InfraSnow SSA Sensor


The InfraSnow device measures the specific surface area (SSA) of snow with an optical sensor. The method consists of diffuse near-infrared reflectance measurements using a compact integrating sphere setup to derive SSA. Diffuse reflectance is measured at a NIR wavelength, where impurities have only a weak influence on the reflectance of snow. 

For a sufficiently thick snow block, there exists a unique correlation between diffuse hemispherical reflectance and SSA according to multiple-scattering radiative transfer theory.

The correlation between snow SSA and reflectance is calculated by applying Monte-Carlo ray tracing to a 3D implementation of the measurement geometry. Snow density is required as second input parameter to the SSA analysis and can be measured e.g. by means of the SLF snow sensor.


Infrasnow specs